Salix discolor

Salix discolor


Common Name - Pussy Willow
Latin Name - Salix discolor
Sun - sun
Moisture - moist
Height - up to 25’
Flower Color - White , Green , Brown
Bloom Time- Feb - May

Pussy willow is a narrow shrub or small tree usually to 20 ft. with multiple trunks and dark-gray, scaly bark. The familiar, silvery-gray, furry catkins appear before leaf emergence. Deciduous leaves are broad, bright-green and shiny. Many-stemmed shrub or small tree with open rounded crown; silky, furry catkins appear in late winter and early spring.

*For additional facts, click on the Common Name link above.
Thank you to Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center for the facts.
Thank you Bernie for the use of their photo.

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